Artistic Approach
Ephemeral light danced across the landscape, teasing out infinite designs and colours along our ever-changing coastline. As the days passed, we were continually reminded of nature’s ever lasting beauty, both transient and diverse - tides shifting, winds shaping, waves sculpting - ensuring that no two scenes unfolding below us were ever quite the same.
We had committed to following the edge. Often, it was not a defined boundary but a vast tidal plain, stretching inland and revealing itself through a mesmerizing tapestry of colors and textures. Evaporating water and salt painted a kaleidoscope of shape and form, whileelsewhere, the seamless blending of an aquatic palette became nature’s own masterpiece—a visual poetry written upon the land.
This extraordinary landscape asked nothing of us but to observe, reflect, and respond from the heart.
This, we did.
Tony Hewitt FAIPP & Denis Glennon AO, FAIPP .